+CityxChange is a smart city project that is receiving funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme in the call for 'Smart Cities and Communities'.

The cities that are participating in this project are: Limerick (Ireland), Trondheim (Norway), Võru (Estonia), Písek (Czech Republic), Alba Iulia (Romania), Smolyan (Bulgaria) and Sestao.

Recent technological developments are changing the way different services operate, including the energy markets. The consumption-production model has become more complex in terms of design, operation and maintenance. New key elements have been introduced, which are fundamental to the system: renewable sources, energy storage, intelligent networks, data management, the concept of "prosumers" (producers and consumers), etc.

The +CityxChange project aims to understand and take advantage of these innovations to achieve the following objectives: generate communities that consume their own renewable energy, have exemplary buildings that generate more renewable energy than they consume, involve citizens and public/private entities in helping create the city´s vision for the future ( with ambitious medium- and long-term objectives), promote electro-mobility and disseminate the experiences learned so that more cities can benefit from them. 

The project+CityxChange began in 2019 and will end in 2023.


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